What makes me happy? (May 18, 2022)

I've been asked if I love what I do and for me the answer is simple: Being a real estate agent makes me happy. Liking people and houses is only the tip of the iceberg! This industry varies widely from day to day, week to week and month to month. Some describe it as an ‘ebb and flow‘ working in real estate… this is the ‘flow‘ time of year. Yes, it changes rapidly, but I do love it.

-- ‘Find a job you love, and you won't work a day in your life‘ they say, right? I believe it's true! --

There's nothing more rewarding than helping someone find the right home or helping them with the sale of their current home. Every day I get to meet new people and they all have stories to share; each one fascinating! As we all know, buying or selling a home is an emotional experience. A sale or purchase of a home is more than merely a transaction. It's really about the people and helping them achieve their goals. It makes me happy to know that my efforts can help a family find a place to call home.

Then there's the competition: I want to stand out from others and competition is a good way to inspire self improvement. I never stop learning, while it can be challenging at times to not have an answer for everything, my job includes a never-ending number of new things I have to master so that I can be the best I can be. The result is I grow each day, becoming more creative and I thrive on that!

Each day it's something new, no two days are ever the same. New people, new properties, new obstacles to get past. It feels good to be able to ease the stress and the burden for my clients and help them get where they want to go. And then the houses! I do love houses! Big ones, small ones, new ones, and vintage ones. There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing a new family breath life into an older home. There's a couple of things that drive me crazy when it comes to real estate - don't get me wrong … but let's leave that for another post! Why do I love real estate? I love seeing a family happy and established in a home, I love it when people achieve their dreams, and I am able to help them.

That's why I love real estate, it's the people!

#ottawarealtor #ilovewhatido